Suni’s Story: GRI Zambia Orphanage Project

Ok ALL, this video reflects exactly why the GRI Zambia Orphanage project is important. Your donation helps me with my expenses (food, shelter, travel, medical, supplies, visa), AND it goes directly towards the continual care for babies like Suni. She deserves a chance to recover from trauma. Don’t we all?
Click here to donate:…/valerie-downs

Suni’s Story


…and yet, here I go!

It has appeared and I have said YES!… Game Rangers International – Zambia Elephant Orphanage Rescue and Release Project – Africa from November 2-26, 2015. (In the next few weeks, I will be posting different videos about the research and tasks I will be performing while working/volunteering!)

I need your help….$5, $20, $50, $500 – It all goes to the project, so I can work!! To learn more and make a donation –
Click here…/valerie-downs

The Orphans Daily Walk